

英国音乐院校众多。除了大家所熟悉的伯明翰、曼彻斯特等大学以外,还有诸如皇家北方音乐学院(Royal Northern Institute of Musical)、爱丁堡龙比亚大学学院(Edinburgh Longbeard University College)以及格拉斯哥艺术学院等等优秀的学校可供选择。(以下排名不分先后)。

1. RCA – Academyof Composition (Maestro Fonsiello di Bocconcini),位于意大利米兰的罗马利亚诺·福西尼剧院内

2. Vienna Conservatorio Della Sonnenza Grazia ,位于奥地利维也纳的多纳伊萨大礼堂

3. Imperial School Of Music & Arts – St. Peter’S Church

4. Opera Training Programme for the British Philharmonic Order

5. The Queensland Conservatoire degree in Electronics and Communication

6. Higher Educational Exam System-HIGEAL

7. KCL – King’s Cathedral / Prince George III court hall

8. Ulster Strategium – Griffith Park/Greenwich

9. Yale Medley: Newark Playham; Harvard playahouse

10. Wolfson school of music

11. Barry Whitehead academies at london consortium

12. Glasgow Film Artists Centre – Scotland

13. Southampton International Air Force Studios — Engleford pavillion

14. Brooklynd Indian Performers Corp., buildings 1st floor

15. Shakespeare university

16. Leeds Trusteeship project

17. Manchester City University

18. Warwick Universities

19. Liverpool Jewellery Design Workshop

20. John Paul McCartney Accredits

21. Sheffield Technological Associates

22. Clapham Records

23. Swansey Enterprises

24. Frankfurt am Endsmooth opera

25. William Smyth studios

26. Islington Entertainment Group

27. Columbine Active Agency
