


some time some times......区别

  1. some time, sometime, some times, ?sometimes   1).some time表示“一段时间”。例如:?   After some time,they moved to another city.?过了一段时间,他们就搬到了另一个城市。?   2).sometime表示“某个时候”。例如:?   Li Ming will go to work in Shanghai sometime next year. 明年的某个时候李明将去上海工作。?   3).some times表示“一些次,一些倍”。例如:?   My uncle has been to London some times. ?我叔叔已经去伦敦好几次了。?   4).sometimes表示“有时”。例如:?   Sometimes we write to each other.?有时我们互相通信。?   巧记some time等的用法?   分开是“一段”, 相连为“某时”;?分开s是“倍、次”,相连s是“有时”。  

sometimes 用于什么时态

  sometimes 用于一般现在时  sometimes 英?["s?mta?mz]?  美?["s?mta?mz]? ?   adv.?有时;间或  1、sometimes是“频率副词”,表示“有时”“常常”“往往”,指某事只在某些场合会发生,并非在一切场合都发生。  2、sometimes可修饰动态动词、静态动词,多位于谓语动词之前或系动词之后,为了强调,也可位于句首或句末; 用于对比结构时也可位于谓语动词之后。  3、sometimes没有比较级和更高级。    扩展资料  反义词:always、invariably  一、always 英?["??lwe?z]?  美?["??lwe?z]? ?   adv.?总是;一直;始终;永远;随时;无论如何  always是含有肯定意义的程度副词,其基本意思是指某个行为发生频率的百分之百或某种状态存在的自始至终。  always作“总是,永远,始终”解时只与一般时连用,不与进行时连用。用于进行时或口语中表示再三的、多次的重复行为,常指令人不快或讨人嫌的事情,不表示某时刻正在发生的动作。always有时可用于现在完成时,常译为“一直〔向〕”“早已”。  二、invariably 英?[?n"ve?ri?bli]?  美?[?n"veri?bli]? ?   adv.?不变地;总是;一贯地  例:Wives say that men are invariably children at heart.  妻子们说男人实际上永远是孩子。  

为什么英语里「cats and dogs」表示倾盆大雨的意思?

  下雨的时候狗和猫躲在茅草屋里,因为雨太大所以茅草屋塌了,狗和猫都出来所以用cats and dogs形容倾盆大雨!  

"It is raining cats and dogs"是什么意思

  这是雨下的很大 倾盆大雨 瓢泼大雨 的意思  --------------------------------  其实,最初人们的确用过to rain pitchforks, to rain shovels, darning needles, chicken coops和hammer handles来描述“持续的大雨”。 “To rain cats and dogs”最早出现在理查德-布罗姆1652年创作的剧本《都市智慧》中:“It shall rain dogs and polecats.” Polecats 是一种类似于雪貂的猫,但是这个词后来在乔纳森-斯威夫特的笔下变成了Cats。1738年,斯威夫特在《礼仪对话》一书中所使用的短语就是如今我们所熟悉的这种形式:“I know Sir John will go, though he was sure it would cats and dogs.”  《词汇短语起源故事百科全书》(Facts on File Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins) 中收录了对其起源的一种解释。书中说“17世纪的英格兰在下大雨的时候,一些城市的街道就会水流成河,而且这些污水中还会飘浮着大量的死猫死狗。”(During heavy rains in 17th century England, some city streets became raging rivers of filth carrying many cats and dogs.)  布鲁尔在其所著的《成语寓言大辞典》(Dictionary of Phrase and Fable)中说,这个短语起源于北欧:“在挪威的神话中,猫被认为可以影响天气。驾着风暴而来的女巫据说就是化身为猫的。” 而狗和狼则是风暴神欧丁的随从,其中狗是“风的象征”("In Norse mythology, the cat is supposed to have great influence on the weather. Witches that rode on storms were said to assume the form of cats." Dogs and wolves were attendants to Odin, the god of storms, and the dog "is a signal of wind.")。  关于这个短语起源的另一种说法是说它来源于一个古老的法语词“catdoupe”,这个词的意思是“waterfall or cataract”。而法语中“catdoupe”的发音和“cats and dogs”有些相像, 所以就有了 “to rain cats and dogs”。  最后,单独的“cats and dogs”这个短语有自己的用法,意思是“ 价值低的股票, 不值钱的、卖不掉的商品”(low priced,highly speculative stock)。  


  翻译:  创意就业人群渐渐开始青睐骑自行车出行,比起开车,乃至公共交通出行,骑车都更为低廉,最初的骑车人群只因需要解决当务之急。在去年讨论修建连接华盛顿特区西南与东南的自行车道时,以为当地居民代表说道:“这些自行车道只为这些特殊人群修建,受到其服务人群很少。”毋庸置疑的是,如波波族们所说,新潮的城区中确实随车可见瞪着脚踏车的人们。  Parapharasing:  Bicycling, a cheaper transportation than driving and even public transportation, is getting more attention amongst the creative-class professionals. However, even with its growing demands for bike lanes, the quantity of bikers is still very low. In the last year"s disscussion for bike lanes throughout South-west of Washington, DC to the South-east, a neighborhood representitive addressed in a public meeting that these lanes would only server very few people, whereas the bourgeois-bohemian held the arguement that bikes could be seeing all around the hipper parts of the city.  更好检查下语法,我语法很糟糕···  


  以后 Later we happy life have been fading from the memory in the future recollection which and affecting past _ prefatory remarks these are not willing to recall to mind stand on the high floor, looks that this urban… the thoughts constantly welling up, happy passing… I think some matters, I already did not care about, these passed, fluttered with the wind passes, I will conceive the future, in some city, have belong to my domain a stable work, am dailyThe anticipation gets off work the time which or the weekend and the good friend gather, occasionally may get in the parents home, that is by I who grows up still must to mother act like a spoiled brat, conceives the future, no longer looks like now like this, will be besotted, that time, I may look for to love me truly, is willing to wait for my man for a lifetime, may walk arm in arm in his one"s side relates all sorts. my future, light, the some great storms, I already could not withstand, I want the stable life, the happy life, I to anticipate, I yearned.   未来  我们过着美好的生活  淡忘那些不愿记起的回忆  和令人伤心的过去  ___题记  站在高高的楼层上,  看着这个城市…  思绪万千,  美好的过往…  我想有些事,  我已经不在乎了,  那些过去了的,  随风飘逝,  我设想未来,  在某个城市,  有属于自己的领域  一份安定的工作,  每天期待下班或周末和好朋友相聚的时间,  偶尔可以回到父母家里,  那是以长大的我依然还要给妈妈撒娇,  设想未来,  不再像现在这样,  执迷不悟,  那时候,  我可以真正找个爱我,愿意守候我一辈子的男人,  可以依偎在他身旁诉说种种。  我的未来,  平平淡淡的过,  有些大风大浪,  我已经承受不起,  我想要安定的生活,  美好生活,  我期待,  我向往。
